So, we were wanting an adventure and today we certainly got one!

Last night was meant to be an early night, but that did not happen. Isaac left around 5am this morning to get to the airport for his flight back to the UK. DJ and I woke up just after he left and didn’t really sleep again after that.

We were meant to head to Munich today to meet some friends for the next few days of our trip. Unfortunately we found out yesterday that they have whooping cough and will be contagious for several days yet. They were still happy to have us visit but we know it’s not much fun hosting friends while sick. It’s such a bummer, but we will just have to make another trip… What a shame that will be, not! This meant we had to make a fast decision this morning whether to stay in Cologne or go elsewhere.

It just so happened that a few days ago I had an email from dad with an invitation for a place to stay in Switzerland. Switzerland had never been on our list of places to visit, but we thought why not?? We rushed to buy train tickets and find accommodation in Zurich, and then raced to the tram station. Our tram was delayed and, despite running through the train station in my jandals, we missed our train by 2 minutes! Pro-tip: Don’t wear jandals when you’re running for a train. Thankfully we had a flexi ticket and could just catch the next train (an hour later). This train actually had less transfers than our original one which seemed like it would make for an easier trip.

So, we caught our breath and relaxed for an hour, we also had time to get some sandwiches to save for lunch which was handy, and then boarded our new train. Sitting on the train we had sudden thoughts like:

  • Do we need a visa for Switzerland?
    • No, yes, but actually no – conflicting information on the interweb. Thank you NZ passport.
  • What currency do they use?
    • Not Euro, or NOK
  • Will our phones work there?
    • Nope
  • What type of plugs do they use?
    • The wrong ones

All questions one would usually consider BEFORE arriving (technically achieved). While on route, our train got delayed 40 minutes (not sure why, “detour”) and we missed our next connection. Seeing as we were told while still on the train (with access to wifi), we managed to find another station and train to transfer onto which stopped closer to our accommodation, saving us having to find a train back from Zurich.

We arrived in our little suburb called Dietikon and tried to buy bus tickets to save us the half hour walk with our suitcase… But the ticket machine wouldn’t work. Thus ensued the trek to our accommodation. I call it a trek because that’s what it really felt like. It looked easy enough on Google Maps, but Google didn’t take into account that apparently when there are road works in Switzerland they close the ENTIRE street AND the footpaths. Daylight faded quickly as we had to take several detours, missed a street because it looked like a farm driveway and had to back track, actually did end up in the middle of a farm, walked on the road and received disapproving looks from locals, and EVENTUALLY made it to our accommodation (which is quite nice thankfully).

There weren’t a huge number of options nearby for dinner, so we decided to walk down the road to Burger King. Fun Fact: In Switzerland they have the same numbers for the prices of food, but they’re in Swiss Francs which makes them almost double the price of home. It was the most expensive (and most delicious) Burger King I’ve ever eaten in my life.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds.

DJ & KJ xx

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